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Forum: Influential teacher?


most Influential teacher

Created on: 12/17/11 10:05 AM Views: 3469 Replies: 16
RE: most Influential teacher
Posted Saturday, December 17, 2011 10:05 AM

I truly loved Mr. Curry and Mr. Townshend the math teachers.  As a teacher I bet I think of one of them nearly every day.  If they knew I taught math, rarely--at 7th grade level--they would probably pray for the students.  I also thought Miss Dotzler who married and became Mrs. Triefenbach was a neat teacher for English.

Edited 12/17/11 11:01 AM
RE: most Influential teacher
Posted Saturday, December 17, 2011 02:20 PM

Well like many other kids, Mr Bundy has a huge influence in my life.  He was the Simon Cowell of the 60's and 70's!  He would shoot us down without blinking an eye!!  But it sure taught me to pay attention!!

RE: most Influential teacher
Posted Saturday, December 17, 2011 05:55 PM

Chuck, that is a great way to describe Mr. Bundy!

My most influential teacher was Cissy Lacks. She gave me the praise and encouragement I needed to manage the SCOOP staff. She taught all of us to go after tough stories and supported our efforts.

Unfortunately, student newspaper censorship issues arose after we graduated (specifically, the Hazelwood East High School case that went to the Supreme Court in 1988) changed student journalism. I'm glad I was in high school when I was. By the time my daughter took high school journalism, in the late 90s, it was an absolute joke!

Regina Ahrens Engelken
Class of 1972
McCluer Senior High School
Florissant, MO

RE: most Influential teacher
Posted Saturday, December 17, 2011 11:39 PM

I guess it must have been the typing teacher because I took the same class three times.  I can't remember her name but I do remember she was Miss Missouri a couple of years before.

RE: most Influential teacher
Posted Saturday, December 17, 2011 11:54 PM

Dennis ... uh-huh ... just couldn't learn to type, eh?!

Regina Ahrens Engelken
Class of 1972
McCluer Senior High School
Florissant, MO

RE: most Influential teacher
Posted Sunday, December 18, 2011 10:57 AM

Had to be Mr Bundy.Really don't remember the others too well.Oh Fortuna!


Maybe coach Regot!

RE: most Influential teacher
Posted Sunday, December 18, 2011 02:05 PM
Miss Varner or Varnon? She always told me: miss mary you will nevah, nevah, get a job tahpin! And guess what. I have-- nneener neener. I just don't capitalize well.
RE: most Influential teacher
Posted Sunday, December 18, 2011 06:24 PM
It appears to me she was right, Miss Mary. You make your living as a teacher; typing is secondary. :-)


Regina Ahrens Engelken
Class of 1972
McCluer Senior High School
Florissant, MO

RE: most Influential teacher
Posted Tuesday, December 20, 2011 01:56 PM

Miss Dotzler was pretty cool. She asked me to borrow my Grand Funk album [the one where you open it and they are shirtless] and upon returning it, she left it on her car seat in the heat....yup, it warped. She felt really bad about it and bought me a replacement. Do you remember that she was formerly in the Convent? I attended her wedding, at Our Lady of the Piller, in Frontenac. Then I was one of those that helped her move, but I don't know where to because I rode IN the Uhaul trailer due to there being no room in the least I think there was no room....?!?!

RE: most Influential teacher
Posted Wednesday, December 21, 2011 11:30 PM

vernon dewitt biology he took a bunch of us 2nd year biology students to florida ( we actually stayed in mobile and made trips to florida ) brave man he also attended my eagle scout ceremony and kept in toch for a couple of years after my graduation unfortunately i heard he passed away quite a few years back great teacher

RE: most Influential teacher
Posted Thursday, December 22, 2011 06:06 AM

I had a few teachers who have influenced me. But Mr. Cliff was the one teacher that had a serious impact on my life. One of the last few days of my senior year, he recommended that I should consider furthering my education in psycology. I never will forget what advice he gave me. I still use that advise he gave me to make it through my day to day life. I only regret that I'm not able to thank him for being an integral part of my life!

RE: most Influential teacher
Posted Friday, February 3, 2012 12:46 PM

I would have to say the track coach.  Can't remember his name either (old age).  But I remember he got drafted and departed the school with such grace and patriotism.  He taught us that hard work will make us winners and I got my ribbons under is scrutiny and coaching.  I wasn't all that great at track, but one competition our anchor runner for the 440 relay got hurt and I was put in as his backup.  I had to run against the fasted kid we'd ever seen on a track.  The coach talked to me and encouraged me that if I did my absolute best and still lost, at least I knew I had given my all.  I beat his butt soundly.  It was the greatest track day of my life.

RE: most Influential teacher
Posted Saturday, February 4, 2012 01:52 PM

Love this question!!  Couldn't narrow it down to one, so I have 2.  In no particular order, Mr. Bill Werremeyer who taught Algebra when we were sophmores.  His teaching style and personality made me love math, then and now, along with some unforgettable lifes lessons.  Another all time favorite was Mr. George Sweet, my junior year English teacher.  He was great!  I loved the books he allowed us to read, not just classics such as Catcher in the Rye and The Old Man and the Sea, but also books like MASH.  I loved how he taught us to analyze and look at the deeper meanings.  My oldest daughter is a 1990 McCluer graduate and also had him for English.  I visited with him those years, and he was the same George Sweet - a great teacher!

RE: most Influential teacher
Posted Saturday, August 18, 2012 12:24 AM

Mr Frede...nuff said...from the band geek O:)

RE: most Influential teacher
Posted Sunday, August 26, 2012 06:22 PM

Mrs. Chrisman was the Home Economics teacher and influenced my life the most. It was because of her encouragement and support that I went to her alumna mater, University of Wisconsin-Stout and obtained my BS in Home Economics Education. UW-Stout challenged me to think about what I wanted to do and decided on a career with the Cooperative Extension Service. Worked for them for over thirty years and haven't regretted a day for deciding to work with my families.

RE: most Influential teacher
Posted Sunday, November 8, 2015 04:43 PM

I have to agree with Ruth Van Well Baker, Ron Frede was a Great teacher. From another Band Geek, Music Freak !

Sorry it took me this long to see this question !   

RE: most Influential teacher
Posted Tuesday, April 5, 2022 12:32 PM
For me, I recall William "Chief Monkey" Brown during my time at McCluer Sr High. Had him for senior level honors Physics. A great motivator and someone who could give and take a joke - even at his own expense.